Olivia Brockett

Production Log

  • Post Production

    November 15, 2019 by

    The Edit (Week 11) Once filming was complete, Kara took over the reigns and began editing together our show. Throughout the whole editing process, Kara regularly sent me updates of what she had put together to make sure my vision was being followed and created accurately. The edit took a week and a half in… Read more

  • Production

    November 4, 2019 by

    Preparation (Week 9) The day of the shoot was somewhat a triumph and a disaster all rolled into one. The morning went smoothly and myself, my team and crew that came along to help out, set up the set and dressed it with the decorative items we had brought in. I assigned everyone roles for… Read more

  • Pre Production

    October 27, 2019 by

    The idea (Weeks 6-9) The idea for creating my factual production came to light after I had pitched my idea to Jacqui Hayden from independent production company “Matchlight”. After doing this, I believed it could work as a factual programme, so decided to develop the concept further. My programme idea was entitled “Stuff Mum Never… Read more

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